Using from Django

Language compatibility

The Margate language is very similar in style to the built-in Django template engine, but differs in a number of important details.

Most importantly, {{ }} expressions (and expressions in for loop commands etc.) are treated as arbitrary Python code. This means that they are more flexible than Django template language, but prevents you from taking advantage of the shortcuts that automatically convert object attributes into dictionary member lookup.

For example, instead of writing:

{% for tag in blog_post.tags %}
{% endfor %}

if blog_post is a dictionary, you will need to write:

{% for tag in blog_post["tags"] %}
{% endfor %}

Another limitation is that none of the built-in filters are currently supported.

Configuring Django to use the engine

To enable Margate in Django, simply add it to the TEMPLATES in

    'BACKEND': 'margate.django.MargateEngine',
    'DIRS': [],
    'APP_DIRS': True